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Excerpt from Christ Crucified, or the Marrow of the Gospel: Evidently Holden Forth in Seventy Two Sermons on the Whole Fifty Third Chapter of Isaiah (ifa. Go. 1 and difcretion, that fuits his peoples burdens to their backs, and wifely propel-e tions their firaits -to their firength: He [buts not new wine into old hottles, 'mat. 9. 17. Neither doth he break the hruifed reed, I fa. 42. 3. And even when he hides hisface, and istwroth with his children, and finites them for their iniquity, Ifa: 42. 17, 18. It is only fatherly wrath And however dreadful that may be, and difficultto be born, yet there is nothing vindi�tiv; in it 5 it is a Father's anger, but contempered with a Fathgr's love, where alfo love redomines in the contemperature. And indeed the melt extreme, and the very heavielt of ai) ons, are moderate, 'and even light, being compared, Ift, With what your fins deferve, ex ceedingly'far 'heueath the drjiert whereof ye are puniflzed, Ezra 9. Even fo far, that ye may without all compliment m'ol't truly. Fay That it is hecaufl' his corn aflions fail net, that ye are not confilneed, Lam. 3. 22. That ye are kept out of hell, and free rom everlalting burnings, to which your many, various, and grievoully aggravated provocations, have made you molt fafily liable: So that ye have reafon to think any affliction, fhort of everlafiing dellru�tion from the pre'fence of God, td be a highly valued piece of moderation, and to fay, Wherefore doth a living man complain, a inanfir the juni/htnent of his fin? Lam. 3. 39.74ve will hear the indignation of the Lord, hecaufie we hanefinned againfihitn, Mic. 7. 9. Zdly, ith what others of the people of God have readily met with for we have - not rejifled to thehlood, firi wing againjtfin, Heb. 1 2. 4. We have it may be all this while been but running with the foor enen; whenthey have been put to contend with horfes, Je'r. 1 z. 5, 3dly, With what our felves have fometimesdreaded and been. Ut to depremt'e, when horrid guilt hath flared us in the face, and when God apprehende to be very. Angry; even threatningto finite us with the wound of an enemy, andwith the chafii/iztnent of a cruel one to 'run upon us a giant, to hreak all our hone; flndlagain to jhew hirnfelf marvellous t[olz us, 'hy. Taking us hy the neck, and 0 flaking us in go. 14. Job 16. 14. 8c 12. Job. Io. 16. 4thly, . With what our blell fed Lord Jefus lufiere for his people, who, all the while he lojourned here on earth, was a jwn of orrows, and acquainted with grief, Ifa. And might mofi jultlyha've faid, be yond al men, I ain the enan that hath feen aflliflion hy the rod of his wrath Is there any fir. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.