The Choice and Other Tales is a compelling collection of eleven short stories of different genres that explores romance, murder, loss, and the intimate bonds of humanity.
In "A Wilted Rose in Bloom," a mourning woman has an unexpected magical encounter, while "Angel's Touch" visits a cancer-stricken elderly man who forms an unlikely friendship with a young girl.
A man takes a memory-filled walk with his cherished wife in "Dearly Beloved," and "The Choice" sees a man sitting engrossed in a book while wrestling with a monumental decision.
"Run" is the tale of a man who catches his wife in an affair, "Something to Die For" is the story of a woman with a fondness for gardening making a special meal for her demanding husband, and the diners in "Steak, Anyone?" discover the truth about their favorite restaurant.
In "Georgie, Porgie, Pudding n Bye," a woman's apprehension about a scarred stranger might be much ado about nothing.
"Summer Petals" sees a woman visit India, enjoying an exciting experience with a male suitor.
A dying mother longs for her estranged son in "Tears and Leaves."
And in "Torn," a woman gets an unexpected-yet not unwelcome-call from a former lover.
About the Author: Amyna is married and lives between Maldives and Malaysia. She has a few writing courses under her belt and is also the author of the romance thriller Foiled.