Everyone has questions. But sometimes, we're not sure that's okay. Meet Chloe. She has a question, and it won't leave her alone. She isn't sure if it's okay to have questions, especially gospel questions. Soon she begins to feel alone and stuck. She wonders if she's the only kid in her class with this question and tries to push her question away, but it keeps coming back.
With her family's help, Chloe learns one of the most important lessons in gospel living: Questions aren't just good, they are great!
Helpful features for home-centered learning include: Thoughtful conversation starters, engaging workbook questions, and simple activities to enjoy.
A wonderful companion to Chloe has a Question is our book, This is the Spirit of Revelation, which teaches kids how to ask for, receive, and act upon personal revelation. Check out our website for more parenting tips, tools, resources, and free, downloadable information: empowerlatterdaysaintkids.org
"I LOVE questions! I love their ability to help us focus.
To see things we've never seen before.
To understand things we've never understood before.
To think things we've never thought before.
To have the courage to do things we've never had the courage to do before."
-Wendy Watson Nelson
Also available in e-book format.