The population of Chiricahua County in 1881 was 300 people, at most, including dogs, cats, and even Ira Ross's pet bobcat. Godfrey Chalmer, a historian working for the state archives in Phoenix, discovered the fraudulent petition in 1936, fifty-five years after the legislature created Chiricahua County. The odd thing about the fraudulent petition was no one knows for sure why there was a petition in the first place. Some say it was because of Acosta's house of ill repute, but no one knows for sure.
The other strange fact is that somehow the legislature, most of whom came to Arizona from out east, misnamed the county. No one in the history of the San Gabriel Valley remembers the Chiricahua people of southeastern Arizona even visiting the valley.
The first business and the first two residents were Patricio and Quintina Acosta, a loving and extremely kind couple, who in 1867 made their way north from San Jose de Copala, Sinaloa. Immediately after their arrival they built a trading post on the southwestern bluff overlooking the confluence of the Gila and San Gabriel Rivers. It was the first business in what would become the city of San Ramon, Arizona. Thus began the long history of successful businesses that call San Ramon their home.
If you're looking for an Arizona town to open up your business San Ramon stands out above all others. Contact us, we would love to give you a tour of the town and let you meet some of the wonderful people. Give us the opportunity to tell you about the many advantages of moving your family and business to Chiricahua, County. Working together we can build a better, stronger, and more vibrant Arizona.
San Ramon is home to four cotton gins scattered throughout the valley and Asa Long's feedlot and slaughter house. The Chiricahua County farmers collectively have turned the once arid valley into lush farmland. They grow cotton, alfalfa, safflower, maze, lettuce, yellow onions, cantaloupe, and watermelons and it is home to several pecan and orange orchards scattered throughout the valley.
In 1942 Thompson Air Force Base was established in the exact spot where Camp Thompson was located. Thompson Field is located at the base of the Sayante Mountains and supported the war effort during World War Two. Today the base is home to pilot training for not only the US Airforce but for pilots from around the world.
As for our merchants we are home to three great places to eat. Jake's Café has been a mainstay meeting place since the early twenties. If you're looking for great down home-cooking look no further than Jake's located at 44 North San Ramon Road across from the Baptist Church. If you're in the mood for authentic Mexican food you have to try Minnie's Mexican Food open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Minnie's is located at 17 S, San Ramon Road across the street from the Mormon Church. We promise it's the best Mexican food in southern Arizona. If you want to impress someone with unbelievably tasty food look no further than the Glass Door. It has amazing ambience that is only exceeded by their service and their food. Yummy!
We are also home to five auto/tractor repair garages/machine shops to meet your every need. The mechanics are the best in the business. We have Union 76, Richfield, Sunset, Mobile and Shell full-service gas stations. San Ramon has three grocery stores; on the north end of Main Street is the Freedom Market owned by Jimmy and Anna Wong. If you go south less than a block, on the same side of Main Street, aka San Ramon Road, is Alfredo's grocery store. Across the street and a little further south is Charlie and Lilly Wong's (no relation) small grocery store.
Whatever your needs there's a good chance we got you covered! In closing, remember San Ramon and the entire San Gabriel Valley. Remember, Chiricahua County Is a Warm and Comfortable Place to Be!