畫作 1青青河邊草/Peaceful Country Side/29H x 39W inch
畫作 2桃花年復年/Peach Valley/35H x 69W inch
畫作 3三家村/Small Village/21H x 56W inch
畫作 4人跡板橋霜/Frosty Bridge/22H x 28W inch
畫作 5南園/Nan Yuan/28H x 48W inch
畫作 6千里歸帆/Sailing Back/31H x 48W inch
畫作 7張家界/Misty Valley/16H x 22W inch
畫作 8失歸道/Lost Way in the Storm/27H x 16W inch
畫作 9岩上遠眺/On Top of Rock
畫作 10望瀑亭/Lookout Pavilion/10H x 8W inch
畫作 11松亭/Pine and Pavilion/10H x 8W inch
畫作 12瀑布/Rainbow and Falls/40H x 30W inch
畫作 13灕江/Li River
畫作 14緣溪行/TaoHuaYuan(Peach Creek)
畫作 15萬里歸舟/Open Sea/50W x 39W inch
畫作 16萬里長流/Long River
畫作 17斜橋通竹屋/Coming Home/17H x 60W inch
畫作 18蓮葉荷田田/Lily and Gold Fish/29H x 43W inch
畫作 19遠浦歸帆/Home-bound/32H x 18W inch
畫作 20雙剪峰/Scissors Peak/29H x 44W inch
畫作 21飛來石/Rock from Sky/31H x 65W inch
畫作 22驚濤拍岸/On the Riverside
畫作 23高處疑無路/Listening to the Bell/19H x 41W inch
畫作 24漁家村/Fishermen's Homes/50H x 31W inch
畫作 25絕頂幽奇/Magnificent View/31H x 41W inch
畫作 26高山觀瀑/Looking Out the Falls/29H x 46W inch
畫作 27三人行/Three Friends
畫作 28依山歸舟/Up from River
畫作 29好朋友/Good Friends/40H x 31W inch
畫作 30好望角/Cap Good Hope/28H x 38W inch
畫作 31山環水繞
畫作 32仰慕/Admiration/20H X 36W inch
畫作 33一意橫行/Crab/15H x 24W inch
畫作 34乳虎初嘯/First Roar/18H x 15W inch
畫作 35天倫之樂/Goats/28H x 44W inch
畫作 36獅/LION
畫作 37牛/Buffalo/19H x 23W inch