China Tales and Stories: MR. FOOL MOVES THE MOUNTAIN (Chinese-English Bilingual)
Mr. Fool Moves the Mountain is one of China's most widely known, highly regarded stories. It was a favorite of Chairman Mao's, and he often quoted from it.
Mr. Fool Moves the Mountain is from the Mead-Hill collection, China Tales and Stories. It is a kind of moral tale telling a charming and timeless story of faith, optimism, determination, perseverance, and hard work. Mr. Fool reminds us of that universal premise: persistence overcomes adversity.
At the same time, Mr. Fool Moves the Mountain has given rise to one of the most beloved characters in Chinese folk literature. So widely known is he, in fact, that nowadays simply describing someone as a "Mr. Fool" is to pay a highly intelligent - if complicated - compliment.
Mr. Fool's tale has been told and retold so many times that he has become almost more famous than a hero - almost an archetype, in fact. In that way, Mr. Fool has even become part of China thinking itself. (For more about that idea, please see Mead-Hill's, China Thinking - An Introduction.)
Mr. Fool Moves the Mountain is published in multiple Mead-Hill editions. Each edition is illustrated by a different artist. Each artist uses a different style of Chinese illustration.
Each illustrated set can be collected; the collections can be put together to build a special library of China tales and stories.
Mr. Fool Moves the Mountain is available in multiple Mead-Hill versions.
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About the Author: ILLUSTRATOR
Tan Xiangdong lives in Xian, the former Capitol City of the Tang Dynasty. As a fine arts educator, he has a great appreciation for Chinese traditional culture and poetry, and loves sharing it with others.
A humorous and optimistic person, Tan Xiangdong very much enjoys his practice of Chinese calligraphy and drawing. In this book, he provides us with excellent examples of one of China's unique traditional drawing styles - line art. The illustrations not only help readers learn a bit about Chinese culture and history, but also provide an opportunity to explore the genre's especially detailed characters and style.