Is the White man still ruling AFRICA?
The Transatlantic Slave Trade involved the trading of the Africans as slaves to the Western countries. As the Africans who were taken abroad were fighting for equal rights, those in the Motherland were negotiating for independence. The White man was their nightmare. Finally, the slave trade was abolished, and independence was attained through great sacrifices made by the African Fathers (Leaders). The Africans began to rule again over their own countries and those abroad had the freedom and access to participate in many things.
But Africa is still challenged with lack, poverty, hunger, sicknesses, unstable governments and underdevelopment, and, at the same time, most of the Africans who were taken abroad are still struggling.
The Black man still sees the White man as the cause of his problems and the reason for his struggles. The Black man must not forget that he has a mind of his own and he makes his own decisions and implements them and therefore, must assume responsibility for his ways. So, the question is,
- Is the White man still ruling the Black man, or do education, character, attitude, determination, discipline, vision, planning and so on, have a role to play in his success?
- Does the Black man understand the importance of his development?
- What has the Black man made out of the opportunities that were offered him by the sacrifices of his fathers (Leaders)?
- Would the fathers (Leaders) be proud of the Black man's situation today?
- What has happened to the Children of the Black Man?
We are the architects of our own lives, and the choices we make determine who we become. Accusations, excuses, laziness, wrong pattern of thought and lack of vision and understanding can condition a person and make them unproductive, but positive thinking, education, determination, sacrifices, discipline and hard work will always yield fruit.
The Children of the Black Man - the moment of truth.