Twenty years ago, world-renowned Irish painter Michael "Mick" Sullivan's world crumbled when his two-year-old daughter, Meghan, was abducted by kidnappers. Desperate for their child's return, Mick, and his wife, Mary Kate, pay an exorbitant ransom-but Meghan is never returned to them. Then, almost a year later, Mary Kate dies amid rumors of suicide. Distraught, Mick retreats to his wife's ancestral home, Castlemoor, living a reclusive existence among her remaining relatives.
Now a young artist herself living in America, Meghan returns to Castlemoor tricked into visiting the family home by Mary Kate's brother, Shamus, who's convinced that he's finally found his missing niece. Meghan's not so sure, but she can't deny that her early life is eerily similar to that of the missing girl's.
Settling into Castlemoor, which is haunted by spirits as well as secrets, Meghan meets her long-lost clan. Some welcome her with open arms, others with understandable skepticism. And, after a series of "accidents" put Meghan's life in danger, it becomes apparent that someone in the family wants her to become the next ghost of Castlemoor.
About the Author: Barbara (née Maher) Pitrone's parents were born in Ireland and most of her relatives still live there. A series of visits to the island helped her understand the customs, culture, and quick humor of her ancestral home.
Barbara lives with her family just outside of Cleveland, Ohio and works at a local college. She recently completed an MA in English with a special interest in Irish literature.
A love of old homes, gardens, humor, and mystery permeates Barbara's writing which is coupled with nostalgia for simpler, more romantic times. These traits can easily be seen in The Child of Castlemoor.