Build a Chicken Paradise in Your Backyard with This Ultimate Guide on Building Chicken Coops!
Are you worried about the fact that store-bought eggs are damaging your health?
Do you want to eat fresh, organic, and tasty eggs every day, without having to buy them?
Are you toying with the idea of raising your own chickens, but don't know where to start or how much it costs?
Keep reading to find out why millions of people have denounced store-bought eggs and decided to build their own chicken farms!
During the last few years, many egg production factories and farms have been closed, and their eggs recalled from the market. Over 380 million eggs have been declared unsafe for consummation. It's the hard truth, but you need to hear it: most eggs available in stores are nothing but a serious health hazard. The chickens that lay them usually packed with antibiotics, hormones, and growth enhancers, and these damaging chemicals of course transfer to eggs and end up on your plate, and in your body.
What's more, you never know when the eggs you're buying were actually laid. The average store-bought eggs have been laid 15-30 days before they came to the store shelves. And yet they are being marketed as fresh. Eating these "old" eggs can cause serious health problems. Salmonella or food poisoning is just one of them.
So what can you do to stop depending on store-bought eggs?
Build your own organic chicken farm!
Chickens are one of the easiest animals to take care of. All they really need is food, water, and shelter. The chickens raised on cage-free farms produce much more eggs than those on mass production farms. You are looking at over 300 eggs a year per chicken! Additionally, eggs from chickens that are free to graze and walk around are incredibly tastier because they consume healthier food.
Growing chickens is fairly simple if you know what you're doing, and this book is here to make sure you do. Inside, you'll discover everything you need to know about building the perfect chicken coop!
Here's just a fraction of what awaits in this ultimate chicken coop guide:
- Discover why building your own chicken coop is better than buying one, besides saving a lot of money
- You get 10 detailed blueprints on different types of chicken coops, that you can easily build from materials you already have at home
- You'll find the biggest guide on chicken coop accessories, from lighting and ventilation to heaters and fencing
- You'll learn how to protect your chickens from various pests, including some secret tips that professional farmers use
- You'll discover many helpful advice and techniques for raising a happy flock, from coop maintenance to teaching your chickens to return to the coop
- And much more!
The beauty of this book is that it is completely beginner-friendly. That means that you can raise your chickens successfully, even if you've never seen a live chicken in your life! With this book's building plans and recycling techniques, this project will require a minimal investment that will pay back in a matter of weeks with all those delicious, fresh eggs you'll never have to buy in stores again!
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