Coloring can improve your health by:
Promoting mindfulnessColoring can help you be more mindful. Mindfulness is the ability to focus and stay in the moment.
For example, because you're focusing on color choice and staying inside the lines, you're only thinking about the present moment. You can shut off the noise around you, and give your mind the gift of focusing on the movements, sensations and emotions of your present moment.
Practice being nonjudgmental as you go through the task with no expectations - just being in the moment. If your mind wanders, which is normal, gently return to what you are experiencing right now. While coloring, you use the parts of your brain that enhance focus and concentration. It gives you the opportunity to disconnect from stressful thoughts.
Relieving stressColoring is a healthy way to relieve stress. It calms the brain and helps your body relax. This can improve sleep and fatigue while decreasing body aches, heart rate, respiration, and feelings of depression and anxiety.
Although coloring isn't the ultimate cure for stress and anxiety, sitting down for a long coloring session holds great value. As you color, pay attention to your breathing rhythm, ensuring steady, full breaths from your diaphragm, and tune into your heart rate periodically if you can.
Embracing the imperfectThere's no right or wrong way to color. Coloring is a noncompetitive activity, so there isn't pressure to "level up," win a prize or beat the clock. You can color for as long or as little time as you want. You don't need to finish a picture in one sitting.
Try to let go of judgments or expectations and enjoy the simple beauty of coloring. It doesn't matter if your picture is neat or messy. The only thing that matters is if you found enjoyment and relaxation while coloring.