Chiang Nan
How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan!
This is actually three books in one.
'How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan.'
Or, 'The original form from which all Karate grew.'
Or the lost Bunkai (techniques) hidden by Karate masters through secret pact.
A student of this book will discover the unique concepts from Tai chi Chuan that will change karate drastically.
First, people who are old will be able to study karate again.
Second, people experienced in karate will undergo a total change of viewpoint, and discover some age old truths about karate, and the martial arts, that have long been obscured.
Third, techniques (bunkai) that were deliberately hidden by Okinawan karate masters will be uncovered.
Fourth, karate will begin to generate and develop methods of chi power that have been reserved to Tai Chi Chuan.
Fifth, people who study Tai Chi Chuan, should they discover this book, will find a new way of looking at Tai Chi Chuan.
The simple truth is that studying solely the soft arts, such as tai chi, aikido, and so on, are but half the art. And studying solely the hard arts, such as karate, tae kwon do, and so on, are the other half of the art.
The true art is both hard and soft...soft and hard.
And the true artist, no matter how accomplished he may think he is, is a mere beginner if he has not discovered both sides of the art, and joined them together.
About the Author: Al Case began martial arts in 1967. He has studied Kenpo, Karate, Wing Chun, Aikido, Northern Shaolin Ton Toi, Southern Shaolin Fut Ga, Tai Chi Chuan, Pa Kua Chang, Indonesian weapons, and more.He was a writer for the martial arts magazines, with his own column in Inside Karate. He has written over 40 martial arts training manuals, and produced hundreds of hours of martial arts training videos. Currently he is the webmaster at