This book has taught two generations of chess players how to play forcefully and intelligently. Thousands of people, absolute novices at the game and skilled players alike, have profited from "Chess Strategy," with such famous Grandmasters as Paul Keres and Reuben Fine acclaiming it as the work which first showed them the way to successful chess.
The unique quality of "Chess Strategy" is that it teaches you general strategic principles rather than having you memorize highly detailed analyses. The amateur can learn to play well only if he has a true understanding of the nature of the game, so that he may judge why each move should or should not be made.
It is assumed at the outset that the reader has no previous knowledge of the game. Strategic principles are immediately and lucidly explained, and applied to the formation of a sound "pawn skeleton" in the opening. Dr. Lasker proceeds to middle and end game, studying objects of Attack, Backward Pawns, Weaknesses, Doubled pawns, Files and Diagonals, Pawn and Mixed Endings, etc. Positions taken from master play are given as examples, with extensive annotations. You will find yourself understanding the motivations behind moves with unexpected ease.
The second portion of the book consists entirely of 48 dramatic games from master tournaments, carefully chosen to illustrate the principles previously set down. The games are accompanied by full explanations of moves which do not obviously follow from these principles. Great players of over half a century are represented, Marshall, Spielmann, Tarrasch, Capablanca, Janowski, Rubinstein, Alekhine, Emanuel Lasker, Nimzovich, and many others.