Have You Ever Played Checkers and Secretly Wished You Could Play Chess?
Just about everyone knows how to play checkers. But playing chess? That's a different story altogether. Maybe you always thought chess is a game reserved for the highly educated. That's not true or at least not any longer.
Now you can learn to play chess using a practical guide designed to take you by the hand and teach you how to play and do it.
Is it obvious to you that whenever Hollywood wants you to believe the superior intelligence of a character, they will show him playing chess? That's no mistake. That's one of those 'learned behavior" lessons that we all fall prey to.
The truth is that anyone can play chess just as easily as checkers - if, they know how. And that's the key. As kids we pretty much figured out checkers on our own or had a granddad that taught us.
And, the truth be told, anyone can take lessons or purchase any number of expensive books on the subject and take the high road to learning chess. That's a pretty expensive way to learn, however.
Most of the books that are written about chess will only contain one point or so and are crammed with unnecessary filler. That's not really the ideal situation to learn and doesn't give you the proper look at what you need to know to succeed in the game.
Checkmate - A Beginners Guide to Chess breaks the barriers of all those other books and how-to materials. You get solid, proven guidelines that help you learn how to play chess successfully.
Not only does it give you the basic tactics and strategy but it also outlines the rules you need to win. And that's just for starters!
How many other guides explain the actually playing environment? Learn the board, the individual chess pieces, their meanings and the actually history of chess playing.
Experts believe that the earliest evidence of chess can be traced back to the game Chaturanga from India that translates to 'quadripartite' in Sanskrit.
Knowing the rules is pretty obvious but you need to learn how to build a bigger Army and specifically the ways to capture your opponents pieces. Learn how to capture his King!
Before you move into those specialized techniques and strategies, however, you do need to have a complete understanding of the opening phase. And yes, we do teach you that in Checkmate - A Beginners Guide to Chess.
Find out the smartest tactics for controlling the board. Control the board and you control the game!
Not only do we teach you how to use your own pawn we've also thrown in a chapter on some the "dirty tricks." These are sneaky tactics to win more of your opponents pieces.
You'll discover how to recognize weakness. Learn how to know when certain squares are weaker then others and how to use them to your advantage.
Will Checkmate - A Beginners Guide to Chess make you another Bobby Fisher? Of course not! But it will teach you the beginning strategies of the game. You learn how to play without a huge outlay of cash and decide if you want to progress further.
Get the basics down ingrained and move on to the chapter about the Champions of Chess. We list them for you and discuss their success. If you like the game and want to pursue it further, you can find out what's involved in doing that by reading about how to get serious.
Once you learn the game you can move on to playing chess online. It's great fun and you'll discover a whole new world of play. We include information about playing online with an entire chapter dedicated to learning where to play and find opponents.