This book is designed to challenge your mind set and kick down some of the sacred cows that hinder you from becoming all that God has created you to be. In the Gospel of John, Jesus made a profound statement. Jesus stated all the works he has done his disciplines could do, and even greater works because he was returning to His heavenly father. (John 14:12-14) Was Jesus serious when he said that or was he trying to appease his followers? Some may say that he was speaking figuratively, but I am of the opinion that this statement was a literal one. There are numerous scriptures to back up my contention. If Jesus' statement is true, are you experiencing the power and authority that Jesus said was available to all those who call on his name? If the answer is no, then why aren't you?
It is my contention in order for us to be trusted with that kind of power and authority we must develop the same mind set that Jesus had. In the book of Romans the apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit encouraged the believers to renew their minds. (Romans 12:1-3) Paul realized that in order to experience the power and authority that God has for us we need to learn to think a different way. We need to learn a new paradigm. Many believers are living life far below what God has intended for them. Some have rationalized that this is their plight and they endure the hardships with the hope that someday they will get their reward in the sweet by and by. This sounds real religious and many would applaud this mind set. But is it truly scriptural?
If you are not experiencing the aforementioned, don't you think it's time to ask why? If you are satisfied with your life this book is not for you. In fact, I admire you. I wish I could be that content, but I am not! I want to experience all that God has for me. I want to be blessed so I can be a blessing according to the promise God gave Abraham. You know that all those who are of the faith of Abraham are entitled to the same blessings of Abraham? Maybe that is the problem- you didn't know.
In this book I will discuss ways you can renew our mind, and challenge your current cognitive processes. The subjects that I will cover are the following:
- What does it mean to be responsible?
- What is the difference between responsibility and accountability?
- How responsible are you?
: - What is your purpose in life?
- What is God's purpose for you?
- Are you a prisoner of your past or a pioneer of your future?
- What kind of fence do you have around your yard? (boundaries)
- What keeps dysfunction alive and well?
- Living life from an internal locus of control.
- Thinking outside of the box.
- Using your hardships to your advantage.
- Turning your dreams into reality (the process for change).
- Strategies for success.