The greatest birthright of being human is that it comes with a lifetime supply of choices. Some of those choices won't be particularly impactful, a few of them--perhaps just a couple of dozen--will ultimately determine the quality and enjoyment you get out of life. This means being a good decision-maker ... when it reallymatters ... is one of the most valuable skills you can acquire.
When you make major decisions that affect your business, vocation, health, relationships, and investments, are you confident in your choices? If so, has your confidence ever proven false? Or worse, have you ever made an important decision and just hoped for the best?
When it comes to making those life-impacting decisions do you follow any processes and guidelines or do you consider yourself to be a naturally skilled decision-maker?
If you're not sure, answer the 19 Very Short, Very Quick Questions and find out just how skilled you really are!
The formidable challenge to making good decisions is that we're unaware that we make our choices based on undetected cognitive illusions, biases, illogical assumptions or just plain old wishful thinking.
Unfortunately there's no warning system that lets us know when this happens. In fact, we're often most vulnerable to error when our decisional confidence is highest.
In The Challenge of Choice you'll learn to recognize both the pitfalls and the opportunities that effect your most important decisions. To become a skilled decision-maker you'll need to know:
- Where your decisions come from and how they influence your choices, judgments and beliefs.
- Why you confidently and effortlessly jump to conclusions in the face of limited evidence.
- How you can develop a decision-making strategy whenever you're about to make one of those life-changing choices.
The choices you make will determine the quality of your life. You won't aways be right, but you can be right when it really matters, and thatwill make all the difference in the world.