Do you feel always lazy and tired ? are you looking for something that can give you the focus and awaken the energy that you lost in your life ?
For thousands of year the Oriental knowledge has documented the power hidden in our body, they call them " psychic force fields " or better knows as the seven chakras points
Learn today how to awake your hidden power, balance it and start to gain the benefits of an healtier mind and body in your everyday life.
The potential benefits are endless with this step-by-step book: Chakras for beginners - the complete guide to chakras awakening: unblock, balance your chakras expanding your mind power through chakra guided meditation.
This manuscript is built for a beginner approach to chakras, exploring deeply the connection between human spirituality and the forces of the universe and how to do it through your hidden inner power.
Keep in mind that our bodies are full of energy points that you can awake with the powerful meditation techniques explained inside this book.
Relax and start to breathe slowly
Noah Sherpa will bring you through the entire book exploring every aspect of chakras with calm and precision
Here its what you will learn:
- An introduction of chakra and why it is fundamental in the human body system
- A complete knowledge about the 7 main chakras
- Essential guidelines to start of chakra meditation and yoga
- How to awake and balance your chakras with reiki for yout physical and emotional well-being
- A starter guide to begin use essential oils, crystals and chakra jewelry for meditation and healing
- Practical strategies to attract positive energy and learn healty habits in your everyday life
You may be asking yourself if you need any prerequisites to start approaching this reading, the answer is NO, absolutely
What you will listen is built for a complete beginner approach and will bring you step by step through every chapter.
I'm sure the experience and knowledge enclosed in this masterpiece will change your spiritual life and approach you in a completely different way of seeing your new amazing life.
Good Reading !