Have you ever wondered why your body is the way that it is? Why it seems to suffer from illnesses, either physical or emotional? The answer to all of your questions is in this book.
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Our body is made out of energy, the flow of Ki but this energy has many specific concentrated areas throughout the body, the centers which are also known as chakras. When these centers experience a lack of energy or an overwhelming amount of energy, the body can suffer either physically or mentally. Each chakra is located in its region that is responsible for the well-being of that area and it is up to you to maintain a healthy and balanced form of energy to avoid countless physical and mental illnesses such as cancer, fatigue, kidney failure, depression, anxiety, and many others.
There are seven main energy centers within the body, seven main chakras. When imbalanced, they cause harm to the body and mind but when they are balanced, they can heal the body, promote mind power, achieve a higher consciousness, and even unlock countless psychic powers. When imbalanced, they can stop you from pursuing your dreams or even achieving inner peace, but getting to know and accept that you have these chakras and learning how to heal them can help restore your body to its natural and healthy state.
Why you need to practice chakra awakening to expand mind power, achieve higher consciousness and self-healing, you will learn the following:
- All about the seven chakras, such as what they are, how they work, how to find them, and how to tell when they are imbalanced
- Importance of the chakras
- What emotional and physical illnesses they cause
- And many more!
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