Do you want to heal yourself through meditation, a complete guide to chakra healing with practical exercises to balance and increase your energy.? If yes, then keep reading...The human body has seven main sources of energy connected to the body's major organs and glands. Such energy centers are called chakras, and the Sanskrit word for wheel is chakra. So, the human body's chakras are wheel-like spinning vortexes. To create a vacuum in the center and the process, they whirl in a circular motion, drawing everything they experience on their vibratory point.
Beginners searching for more information about chakras can find information stating that there are hundreds of chakras in the Buddhist scriptures, while there are nine chakras in the jains. Such knowledge should not confuse them as the most recognized chakras are the seven chakras.
These seven chakras are not marked in the human body, nor can they be identified or found. This is because these chakras are not part of the physical body but are all part of a human being's etheric or psychological body.
It can be said that this etheric body is split into different energy streams.
1. Muladhara or root chakra binding us to earth. Through concentrating on basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and sex, this chakra can be balanced.
2. Sacral chakra or Swadhisthana is found under the navel and is also known as a hard chakra. Fear, hate, rage, and aggression are its natural capacity. And all this can be balanced with one's doubts being embraced.
3. Solar plexus or Manipura is the fifth solar plexus chakra. There are two aspects of this chakra; doubt and confidence. Trust begins to develop here when doubt is transformed.
4. Heart Chakra or Anahata is the middle separating the seven chakras. This is the chakra responsible for building life's equilibrium. Our growth leads to a feeling of greater love for others and ourselves.
5. Throat chakra or Visshuddhi is the fifth chakra that allows you to become real in your life. When opened, this chakra's energy encourages you to communicate openly and allows you to truly express your viewpoint.
6. The body's third eye or Ajna is a very important chakra. It is located between the eyebrows and is known as a person's third eye. When this third eye is opened one begins to develop self-awareness.
7. The Sahasrara or crown chakra is a bright white glow at the top of your head. This is the seventh chakra between body and mind, and the soul is linked to the other world through this chakra.
This book covers the following topics:
- Basic concepts of Chinese medicine
- What are the chakras?
- The different methods of balancing the chakras
- Awakening of energies
- How to heal the chakras
- Meditation
- How to take care of our mental and emotional health
- Exercises: tips for performing
- Your connecting to your heart energy
- Kundalini yoga and the chakras
- Heal yourself with chakras meditations
- Effects of chakra healing
...And much more
To beginners, this is enough knowledge to start gaining an understanding of the seven chakras. Just confusing you will be looking for additional details about the chakras. Beginners should learn to feel these chakras with the aid of individuals who have encountered these chakras.
When you begin to experience your chakras, you feel your body's energies flowing and you grow spiritually as lightness descends on you. Only if there are no obstructions and free-flowing energy makes the chakra travel do you feel this feeling.
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