What do we really know about dolphins?
How about our own history? Or what is really going on behind the scenes as we walk through our lives.
Exploring the mysteries found beneath the veils of secrecy, Cetacean Chronicles: A Future Odyssey of Mankind takes you on an epic, thrilling sci-fi adventure that will open your mind to the bigger picture about our human story and our place in the universe.
In 2015 Adam Schecter and his team start cracking the complex communication system of the cetacean. He believes his Learning Dolphin Speak Project (LDSP) in Hawaii will revolutionize interspecies communication with dolphins and perhaps intelligent life from elsewhere. What else might they learn?
Their amazing discovery turns the world upside down, as Adam, his family and his team are drawn into the dangerous sphere of the secret international organization Phantom 12 along with extraterrestrial agendas that have spanned all of human history. Crewmembers of a US Trident submarine join Schecter after a 2016 close encounter and add to the struggle with enhanced abilities acquired after their exposure.
Adam's journey is profoundly transformative, taking him from curious into the world of the extraordinary. Can the wisdom of dolphins-and the esoteric knowledge and truths of ancient aliens-save the planet?
About the Author: Alexander Horvat got his first exposure to the murky world of military secrecy when serving as an Operations Specialist aboard the aircraft carrier USS Oriskany off the coast of Vietnam. Watching dolphins tirelessly toying with the ship at sea, he soon became fascinated by these intelligent creatures.
After the navy Horvat built a career in media. He worked first in radio spending time in news, sports, and as a talk-show host in Little Rock, Arkansas. His interest in the paranormal, extraterrestrial, and little known or discussed secretive government activities motivated him to join the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Interviews and experiences here prompted him to create a news column and later a nationally distributed news magazine to offer concerned citizens relevant information too often ignored by the mainstream media.
Horvat currently resides in Jefferson County, Missouri, occasionally freelancing articles, engaging in speaking to groups who share an interest in the unknown or controversial, or assisting with investigations into other unusual activity.