About the Book
Sun Yat-sen once famously proclaimed, "The 21st Century will be the Chinese century", but I say, "The 21st Century is the century of White worship." As the Chinese, and East Asian in general, become more wealthy-which always means more interactions with westerners, more well educated-which means more westernized, and more civilized-which means more docile, more submissive, and more feminized and which also means more infatuated and indebted to the superior western civilization-for being civilized is being western-civilized; East Asian women will become more liberated, more successful, and more independent, and which in turn means that East Asian women will become more powerful and will have more voice in the daily workings of East Asian politics, economy, and public discourse. But East Asian women will always regard White Men as the most superior men, most suitable for mating, so that means, despite of all the progress, wealth, and power that East Asia accrues, East Asian women will always favor White Men over East Asian men and in fact this trend will just exacerbate in the 21st Century as East Asian men become more civilized, more passive and more insufferably effeminate-the sexual biology of females dictates that women everywhere desire more manly men, so then, well, does that not imply that, in the end, White Men will be the true beneficiaries of this newly discovered East Asian wealth; does that not imply that White Men will still be the most celebrated, most highly desired men; does that not imply that, despite of all the clamor about the 21st Century being the Chinese Century, the 21st Century will actually become the Century of White Men and East Asian women, or, to put it more bluntly, the Century of White worship, for who else worship White Men as feverishly, as fervently, and as earnestly as East Asian women? Before I proceed further, let me clarify some terminology. When I speak of East Asian cultures, I really mean sinic cultures, that is, those that have been ingrained and influenced by Confucian ideologies, such as, but not limited to, mainland Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese, Singaporean, and those fragments of the Chinese diaspora in South East Asian countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and also of numerous western countries such as Canada, America, New Zealand and Australia. So when I speak of "East Asian", I really mean "sinic", which really means "Chinese", but in our modern terminology, Chinese takes on a more narrow meaning than what is actually intends. PART I Confessions of Submissive East Asian women Fragments of my life Ode to White Man Prelude to the race of the future Shadowgraphs Unscientific postscript The new dawn PART II Training of inferior East Asian women A secret romance Confession of inferior Asian meat The secret diary of tiny broken jade A resume Confession of an asian cum bucket Racial inferiority begets feminine superiority Training of asian women
About the Author: I have been a very confused-some might say very conflicted-girl ever since I can remember and I have always lived in a fantasy world of my own making. I was born in Japan, my mother is Chinese and my father is Japanese, and my father's mother or my grandmother was German Dutch, and I came to the United States as a teenager and lived and went to school in Maryland, and worked in New York. I lived in fantasy worlds since I was a teenager and I have always done so, sometimes so deep in my own fantasy I forgot my own identity. I no longer knew who I am. Physically I look more European than asian. My father is of mixed heritage-he has white blond hair, but he also has some distinctly Japanese features. On the other hand my features mostly resembled my grandmother, who was a full blooded European woman. Which was not something that really bothered me. Actually most modern Japanese look very European compared to the rest of asians. My father was a sadist, and my mother, on the other hand, was, in my opinion, a masochist with no self respect. Growing up, seeing my father beating my mother was almost as frequent as having dinner, and when not beating her, she was constantly being humiliated and degraded, like having to serve dinner to him naked on her knees or being tied to an utility pole only in her panties during the winter. At first I believed my mother was a victim, a unfortunate human being in the hands of a cruel evil man, but as I grew older I realized that it was my mother who enjoyed being treated this way. The initial realization made me feel she was a disgusting, perverted, sick person, but as I grew older I began to have the almost identical sexual fantasies that my mother lived and experienced through. I began to think that my mother was the luckiest woman on earth since apparently she had found a man who understood her desires and could give them to her.