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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1890 edition. Excerpt: ... Caerediu (Carriden), a British town on the Forth, i. 238. Caerini, a northern tribe, i. 76. Caerleon (Isca Siluruni), i. 81, 107. Caernech, St., legend of, ii. 46. Cailin, clan. See Campbells. Cain and Conveth, dues from Crown lands, iii. 227-32, 262. Cairbre, surnamed Righfhada or Bioda, i. 140. Cairpentaloch, i. 153. Caislen Credi. iVee Scone. Caithness (Catbanesia, Cathannia), in the Pictish legend the territory of Cait, one of the seven sons of Cruithne, i. 186; one of the seven provinces of the PictiRh kingdom, 280; iii. 44; original extent of the district, i. 232; attacked by Thor- stein the Bed, 326; invaded by Sigurd, earl of Orkney, 336, and brought under Norwegian rule, 342, 345, 374; iii. 44, 45; Thor- finn, Sigurd's son, and grandson of Malcolm n., is made earl of Caithness and Sutherland, i. 389, 401; bishopric of, ii. 382; earldom of, iii. 8, 71: historical account of the earldom and earls of, 448-53. Calathros (Calatrii, Catraeth), battles in, i. 247, 291; district of, 247, 256, 424. Caledones, or Caledonii, a section of the Picts, i. 94, 99, 100, 127, 130; account of, by Tacitus, 58-60; their territory, as given by Pto- lemy, 75, 76; join with the Mieata; in hostilities against the Roman province, 80; campaign of Severus, 82-89; characteristics of these ancient tribes, 83. Caledonia, the term by which that portion of Scotland north of the Forth and Clyde was known to the Romans, i. 1, 40, 41. Caledonian Forest, the (Sylvia Cale- donia), i. 40, 48. Callender (Kalentyr), on the Carron, thanage of, iii. 277-8. Calps paid by native-men, iii. 318; abolition of, 368. Calphurnius Agricola, sent to Britain, i. 79. Cambuskenneth, chartnlary of, i. 424. Cameron clan and its septs, iii. 313, 315, 331, 350, 479. Camlann, battle...