Did you know that hemp-inferred CBD is lawful and ownership of it should cause no legal issues in the major parts of the United States and numerous nations? Have you heard about THC? If you have, what is the difference between CBD and THC?
Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two most prominent cannabinoids found in cannabis, the plant family that incorporates both hemp and pot. While there are more than 100 diverse cannabinoids so far known in cannabis by scientists, THC and CBD are by a long shot, the most broadly considered and best understood.
This book is an in-depth analysis on cannabis, going back into its history, its difference from THC, an explanation of THC, how THC dominates Marijuana and CBD dominates Hemp.
This book is different from the rest of its kind as it allows you the opportunity to learn while doing what you want. It breaks down the medicinal part of cannabis, leaving you with information about why we need to extract CBD, the common methods of extracting CBD, which is the best and what happens after extraction. It goes further to show you what makes a great CBD, its oil risks, the Endocannabinoid system, among others. The following are some of its contents:
- How Is CBD Oil made?
- The Legality of CBD
- What is CBD?
- What is THC?
This book is for people who are trying to learn about the medicinal side of cannabis, trying to know if there is a good side to cannabis as opposed to the common bad side often portrayed. It answers questions like:
- What is Cannabidiol?
- What is the present legal status of Medicinal Cannabis?
- What is the best way to consume Cannabis?
- And more!
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