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This essay sheds light on what causes digestive distress, demystifies the dangers of improper food combing, and delineates how effectively combine foods during meals. Moreover, how to prevent digestive distress is explicated and how to optimize your overall health is expounded upon in this essay. Moreover, the myriad of simple to prepare and palatable healthy food recipes for longevity are demystified and the plethora of deadly disease causing foods that you should always desist from ever considering devouring are revealed in this essay. Furthermore, how to substantially mitigate risks for succumbing to contracting lethal chronic diseases by embracing a salubrious, wholesome, heart healthy, brain healthy, kidney healthy, anticancer, antidiabetic, nutrient dense, alkaline, antioxidant rich, anti-inflammatory, raw fruitarian diet is expounded upon in this essay. The causes of digestive distress are multitudinous and should not be blithely overlooked. Digestive distress can be induced from improper food combing and can also be induced from consuming digestive distress inducing foods. Profusely consuming immune system comprising, DNA ravaging, telomere shortening, unhealthy, non-alkaline, acidic, inflammatory, carcinogenic, radical damage inducing, enamel eroding, cavity promoting, cardiovascular disease inducing, insulin resistance promoting, type 2 diabetes inducing, gout inducing, alzheimer's disease inducing, osteoporosis inducing, ulcer inducing, joint pain inducing, stroke inducing, fatty liver disease inducing, kidney disease inducing, insomnia inducing, high blood pressure inducing, heartburn inducing, brain tumor inducing, weight promoting foods for instance is apt to draw forth chronic diseases and also elicit digestive distress. People grossly underestimate the ramifications of shirking on making prudent dietary decisions. Experiencing digestive distress can elicit a host of deleterious health issues, such as nausea, bloating, cramps, gas, irritability, heartburn, headaches, gas, constipation, and vomiting. Digestive distress is typically induced by making imprudent dietary decisions that inflame the digestive system. Incessantly experiencing acute digestive distress due to consecutively making imprudent dietary decisions can lead to chronic constipation, severe abdominal cramps, bloody stools, and continuous vomiting. Experiencing acute digestive distress can become all the more brutal if you already developed inflammatory bowel disease and/or gastroesophageal reflux disease and experience acute inflammation on a daily basis. Nothing salubrious can ever ensue from succumbing to experiencing the brunt of digestive distress. Living life becomes all the more cumbersome when you have to contend with experiencing digestive distress on a daily basis. Experiencing chronic digestive distress can unequivocally exacerbate every facet of your life, especially if your digestive system is always acutely inflamed. Foods that can induce digestive distress when consumed in large quantities encompass animal carcasses, animal secretion, fried foods, corn, eggs, bastardized man-made food products, non-alkaline acidic foods, seeds, grains, nuts, and beans. Digestive distress inducing foods should ultimately never be consumed since they can elicit a host of deleterious health issues. Consuming non-alkaline, digestive distress inducing, inflammatory foods can also elicit digestive disorder, especially since constantly consuming non-alkaline, digestive distress inducing, inflammatory foods can wreak havoc against the digestive system and comprise digestive system health. The digestive system can only tolerate so much distress from non-alkaline, digestive distress inducing, inflammatory foods before a digestive disorder is elicited. Improper food combing can also elicit digestive distress. Combing high starch foods with protein dense foods in large quantities can elicit digestive distress.