About the Book
"Caught in the Eye of Everything" is a poetic view capturing the essence of our land, America. Today, it seems where ever we go, whatever we do, we are being watched and caught in the eye of someone's camera. Whether the camera is a cell phone, a laptop or a security monitor they all view us. We are surrounded by eyes everywhere, and there are even satellites in the sky to snap our picture these days. What if they existed at the founding of our land or event in history? Who or what would have been captured? What would be reported on? As for today, these poems are a view of the world around us, and what it might become in the future. Perhaps a Cyclops eye mesmerizing and capturing everyone? -------------- New Found Freedoms A Declaration, a Constitution, a Bill of Rights. The rights of a man to protect and own property, To limit State Power, the Articles of Confederation. A country of separate but equal states, no union. How quickly grows a nation built on liberty. First Louisiana, and then Alaska purchased. Texas left behind Mexico and joined after the Alamo. Around the cape to California, and don't forget the Oregon Trail. John Brown ahead of his time, "We are all Brothers." The man raved against Slavery in the Freedom Land. Blood, gore, civil war, bodies piled high by four score. Inhumanity, insanity, entomb the dead in mass graves. Finally, united by the blood spent through the wounds of ordinary men, the truth is "All men are created equal." All the immigrants fled some king's rule for a promise. The cost of FREEDOM is high, and counted by many lives. Many dictators have ruled elsewhere. Never one here. They all make the same promise, "Give up your freedom. Trust my rule, and do not question, For I know better then you." All grow old, and have short reigns With broken promises. Men are fools. The truth is: Kings and Queens and Dictators, By any name may live in grandeur, And have grand schemes. But they all die. Real FREEDOM is the idea "All men are created equal." Never surrender FREEDOM for promises and lies. Now, a New World based on a man's worth. Yours and mine. ---------------------- Night of the Wrong God There are those who claim "Technology can solve all problems" They bow down to worship All that is only manmade. Don't look, or loose your eyes. Cover your face with your hands, See your bones through goggles. A shock wave, a blast, insanity, More powerful than any Nobel Ever made before this day, Knocking all mankind down. Giant clouds of atomic dust Radiating across the valleys Raining down the powdered Dust of ground zero. We were blinded by the light; Deafened by the Awesome Roar; Struck dumb by the new God Of Mankind's New Technology. ---------- Caught in the Eye of Everything Are you mesmerized By that Cyclops Eye of everything? Sitting blindly In the room corner, against a wall. One large eye open all the time, Watching, and waiting for you. Waiting for your return, When you're tired and unaware. Late Night Sports, News, Weather, or comedy? It never moves, Never, never leaves The living room. By now it has spread The same unblinking vision Over every part of the world, Even to Timbuktu. No longer do you have To go anywhere, or do. Now, find peace of mind All day long, mesmerized. No need to travel out of town, No need to drive around. Just sit, and watch, and Switch from channel to channel ... No desire to do anything But watch that thing. Can't remember The last paper or book you read. Didn't know the drive-in movie Closed ten years ago. Rent a video. Buy a camcorder. Quick! Buy a blank tape. You have to be captured. Sit and wait; Watch yourself. Somewhere, in there Cyclops sits turned on In an empty room; For now I only exist On video tapes. Now! It waits for you.
About the Author: Joe Wocoski is a second generation Polish-American living in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area. Originally, he came from Southern New England. He writes poetry on many topics for pleasure, and hopes you enjoy reading these works. He wrote these poems to help you think of where we are and where we are heading. All touch on our human spirit, or lack of it. Each poem in this book has a deep meaning attached to it, and he hopes these poems will help, you, the reader, to rediscover America, to see the good and the bad and to share this books experiences, thoughts and feelings with others. His Other works include: Our Seasons of Ardent Love - a book of 21 Sonnets (love poems) for my wife Cluck-a-Din, the Chicken, and Other Fowl Poetry - A silly book of foul poems to make you laugh Snowed in by a Warm Fire - Reminisces about New England A Journney Through DC Land Caught in the eye of Everything - A poetry trip through the history of our land America