Catching Fire is the sequel to The Hunger Games. It follows Katniss Everdeen’s and Peeta Mellark’s return home to District 12 in Penam country after the end of the 74th Hunger Games.
Peeta and Katniss are on a victory tour of the country after emerging as winners in the 74th Hunger Games. An angered President Snow comes to see them at their District 12 home for they owe their victory to Peeta breaking game rules in the final round. Snow tells Peeta that her actions have caused rebellions in the districts of Panem. Her first visit is to District 11, home to Hunger Games ally, Rue, where a tribute is made to her memory. She proceeds to visit all 12 districts and learns that her visits have not managed to subdue revolts. Her public proposal to Katniss also fails to placate President Snow.
Soon after their return home, they hear the announcement for the 75th Hunger Games in which 24 previous victors will be forced to participate. Both Katniss and Peeta will participate. Katniss vows that she will try her best to ensure Peeta’s victory in the 75th Games. What happens in the 75th Game, which packs its share of new rules and surprises and with rising tension amongst the people of Penam against the Capitol in the backdrop, is what the book is all about.
Overall, the book received positive reviews worldwide. It stood fourth in Time magazine’s top 100 fiction books of 2009 and eighth in People magazine's Best Books of 2009. It was decided that a film adaptation of Catching Fire would be released in November, 2013 to be directed by Francis Lawrence.
About The Author:
Suzanne Collins is an American author and television writer.
She is the author of The Underland Chronicles, a 5-part fantasy science fiction series that was released from 2003 - 2007 and also The Hunger Games trilogy. She has authored 3 other books: When Charlie McButton Gained Power, Fire Proof: Shelby Woo #1,and When Charlie McButton Lost Power.
Her genre of books include fantasy, science fiction and young-adult fiction.
Suzanne Collins holds a degree in Drama and Telecommunications from Indiana University. She worked with Nickelodeon on many popular children's shows including Little Bear, Oswald, and The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo Clifford’s Collins was a writer of Puppy Days. The Hunger Games’ first two books have sold 1.5 million books and has been on The New York Times bestsellers list for 60 weeks. Time named her as one of the most influential people in 2010. She moved onto writing when she met James Proimos, inspired by his books for children.