Cataclysm The Second Legend
Josias, grandson of Basilikos of the first Legend, must leave home after a cataclysmic event that has put his life - and the lives of others, in grave danger, should he stay. He takes with him his faithful servant, Haziel, his three cousins, Marzban, Arshad and Farbod - and the Ruby Heart.
In Daphne, north of Lake Huleh, just above the Sea of Galilee, he meets Jonathan (with and interesting connection) and his cousin, Eldad. They all go to Gamala where the second cataclysmic event begins to unfold, involving the capture of a leader of the Seditionists, plus two miraculous surgeries, the last of which spawns a possible romance.
Josias is introduced to Pliny the Elder, an author of many books of immense historical value. Pliny hires him as his personal physician. Pliny is the commander of the Roman fleet classis Misenatium based at Misenum on the west coast of Italia, at the base of Mount Somma - Vesuvius.
Josias arrives in Misenum in early summer,79 A.D.
Historical Note:
Mount Somma-Vesuvius erupted on August 24, 79 A.D.
The Ruby Heart:
The gemstone of the Legends is a ruby the size of a child's first. Its shape is similar to a human heart - hence the name. The Ruby Heart itself has no special powers. This is not sorcery, but somehow it connects with special God-given gifts in certain people who posses it for a time, as long as they use their gifts for good. This ability of the Ruby seems to be passed from generation to generation, but sometimes skips a generation.
Definition: Cataclysm -
1. An event that brings significant changes.
2. A momentous and violent event marked by overwhelming upheaval and demolition.
- Miriam Webster