55% OFF for Bookstores Now at $13.49 instead of $29.97! LAST DAYS! Are you looking for an incredible diet full of protein? Then keep reading... YOUR CUSTOMERS NEVER STOP TO USE THIS AWESOME BOOK
Is the carnivore diet right for you? Do the idea of only eating meat and other animal products sound like something you could do? Better yet, does it sound like something you would want to do? We all know someone who doesn't care much for green leafy things, and if that someone is you, the carnivore diet might be just the ticket. This is the diet for people who hate the word 'diet' and love a nice steak. The "diet" is simple enough - it's all in the name!
The carnivore diet is designed to have you totally subsist on fatty meats, especially meats like beef, lamb, goat, venison, or pork. Processed meats like sausage, salami, pepperoni, and other deli meats can be eaten, but not if they have any fillers, so reading labels becomes increasingly important. Other meats, like fish, chicken, and other, potentially exotic meats like elk, rabbit, and bison are all on the list, although some of these meats are low fat and will need to be supplemented or cooked in a manner that adds fat. So long as you are not lactose intolerant or suffer from any other similar ailments, dairy items like milk, butter, hard cheeses, and heavy whipping cream are also allowed, but some proponents of the carnivore diet eschew these additions, only focusing on the meats.
Remember that this diet is designed to have you consuming fat alongside the meat, and if you are consuming lower fat meats, feel free to increase the fat using lard, ghee (a clarified butter product often used in Indian foods), or duck fat. Season the food with any non-plant-derived spices that you desire, so long as you aren't breading them or adding cornstarch for frying. Sodium is highly present in a lot of processed meats but be sure to include sodium in your cooking of other meats to prevent cramping muscles and to keep your electrolytes high.
As far as drinks are concerned, you should consume a large quantity of water. Some hot drinks, such as coffee and tea are also permitted, but only if they are not adulterated with sugar or any other additional carbohydrates. Avoid any hot or cold beverages with any carbs like sodas (diet or otherwise, as the diet drink's sweetness may cause additional cravings), vegetable drinks (like V8), fruit juices, energy drinks (again, even the zero carb ones can cause cravings and make your diet harder to follow). Also, avoid protein supplements (which, considering the amount of protein you will be consuming from the meat will absolutely not be necessary). As mentioned above, some people on the carnivore diet avoid dairy and also don't take vitamin supplements, subsisting entirely on animal protein.
This book covers the following:
- What is the carnivore diet?
- Why choose this diet?
- How does this diet work?
- Carnivore diet tips for success
- What to eat and what to avoid
- What is the carnivore diet for?
- Carnivore diet for women
- Benefits of carnivore diet.......AND MORE!!!