Carnage by Angels is an engrossing novel which exposes the dark and secret side of the Indian police force and the administration system at large, through the eyes of its protagonist Raghu Kumar. As a trainee officer with the Indian Police Service, Raghu Kumar makes a disturbing discovery about the extent of corruption and greed that has penetrated the Indian police system. He vows not to become a part of the system and be a party to the bribes, favours and other malpractices happening around him.
As he tries to stick to his convictions and principles, he realises that the very people who have been appointed to look after the country’s citizens, are the perpetrators of the worst crimes and heinous offences. He discovers that the rot in the system is supported by a nexus between the politicians, the police, the bureaucrats, the power brokers, the media, and the underworld. The novel follows his efforts to expose this connection, the price he pays for it, and his efforts to save himself from being sucked into this world of deceit, bribery, corruption and power play.
The book is an honest and bold look at the evils that plague the Indian police and administrative systems and gives an insider’s account of what really happens behind their closed doors. It raises a number of pertinent questions regarding the workings of these power wielding authorities, as well as the elaborate cover-ups for their wrongdoings.
Carnage by Angels was published in 2003 and was acclaimed for its frank and brutal take on the realities of the Indian Police Service and Administrative Services. It was also adapted to the big screen in 2010 in a film directed by Yogesh Pratap Singh himself. It won the silver prize in 2010 at the California Film Awards in the Narrative Film category.
About the Author:
Yogesh Pratap Singh is a former IPS officer who dared to take on the establishment with his hard hitting book Carnage by Angels.
Besides Carnage by Angels, he has also written another book about corruption in the income tax and customs departments called Vultures in Love.
Yogesh Pratap Singh’s fast paced and brisk style of writing makes his book an exciting thriller that captivates its readers with its dramatic storyline and true insights on an extremely topical and relevant issue.
Born in 1959, Yogesh Pratap joined the Indian Police Service in 1985, serving in the Maharashtra cadre. During this period, he served at various levels in the Food and Drugs Administration, the CBI, the district police, and the reserve police. He handled several important cases and came down with a heavy hand on corruption, as a result of which he fell out of favour with his superiors. In 2004, he was forced to retire after the publication of his book, Carnage by Angels. He is now a social activist and lawyer and also conducts lectures on law and corruption in the Indian system.