About the Book
This is a book for anyone who provides care and support for others who cannot care or look after all their own needs. Carer workers or carers are defined as people, who provide support to children or adults who have a disability, mental health problem, chronic condition, who are frail aged or have drug or alcohol dependencies. Carers can be parents, partners, brothers, sisters, friends or children of any age. Paid carers or care workers are in high demand and it can be a full-filling carer. this book will provide you with a good foundation of knowledge on how to give care. This is a comprehensive 1 book collection just now listed on Amazon and CreateSpace. This book covers a wide variety of topics so you can learn and refine your skills in ares such as; food and nutrition, personal care, stress management, activities of daily living, how to move people, and manual handling workplace safety, sleep rest and comfort, prevention of pressure sores and decubitus ulcers, managing incontinence, administering medication safely communicating effectively, workplace communication, getting a job as a care worker, working with difficult behavior, working with mental health issues, how to care for the elderly, understanding disability, mental health, duty of care, some law issues, values and attitudes, ethics in service delivery, working in teams, and much more. If you are a professional carer, or a student learning to be a carer use this book as a tool for your learning. Be aware that we have produced a more detailed series that focuses on your professional skills called the ENABLELEARNING Series listed on Amazon and CreateSpace. If you are a trainee, read this so you can better care for someone and you can test your own knowledge and ask the professional support staff who assist you. This textbook can serve as a stand alone book or you can use it in conjunction with an assessment resource against which you will be assessed on your competencies. The giving of personal care is one of the major tasks of a carer. Personal care encompasses the performing of personal hygiene and grooming tasks of all areas of the body, including skin, hair, nails and orifices. Helping someone bathe, dress, shave, and perform other personal activities can be difficult. Knowing how to handle these delicate situations will make things easier for both you and your loved one. When providing personal care, whatever task you are performing, I recommend that you apply seven basic care giving principles to the task. These important principles have been covered in this book. The delivery of personal care can be a tiring and physically taxing duty however. The incidence of personal injury can be high to a carer who fails to look at basic guidelines on how to prevent injury to themselves and others just as in any other profession and job. Carers undertaking manual handling tasks must be physically capable of performing the manual handling aspects of the job. If they are not, they will be at a higher risk of sustaining injury. Workplace Health and Safety is the responsibility of everyone and it is not a difficult task. When providing personal care assistance to people, you are likely to both lift and move the person you are assisting. There are three main ways a worker may receive physical injury while involved in the lifting or moving of people. You will learn appropriate methods and techniques (as well as the basics about your body and spine and how to stay healthy) in this book to keep everybody safe. This is such an important topic that I have a specialized book purely on Manual Handling if you feel you require it. This book does cover many areas however, and includes the important principles of manual handling. With the correct information, guidance and supervision you will be able to safely and effectively deliver care to a person who has a disability whether they are young or elderly. LEARN and be INFORMED.
About the Author: The author and Chief Editor is Antonio De Maria, who has worked in this field for over 28 years. Tony is a past Director of Enable Training & Recruitment, a College committed to promoting a skilled workforce in Community Services. He has worked in the Age Care and Disability Sector since 1978, in a number of roles, including Developmental Educator, Case Manager, Staff Training Officer, University Lecturer, Human Resource Manager, Registered Nurse, Therapist, Advocate, and for a variety of government and non-government agencies. He has a Bachelor of Applied Science (Developmental Disability) and is a Nationally Accredited on the Job Trainer and Worksite Assessor. Tony has had a long-term commitment to Disability and Aged Care Sector reforms and Advocacy, and has committed Enable Learning Guides to continue this work. The proceeds of these resources contribute to continuing research and development in the industry. From the Author Antonio De Maria B App. Science (Dis) Cert 4 Workplace Assessment & Training, Registered Nurse This book is a compilation of over 28 years of work in which I personally have been involved. Thanks to my colleagues and other team members who have provided me with information and advice, I am able to update these periodically. I have included many best practices in a professional yet straightforward way so the worker can use it as not only a learning reference but long after when they need to review a part of their job role. This book does not just contain theory; it's about a hands-on approach! If you are a carer supporting a family member or friend, then, always ensure you consult with the community nurse or qualified health practitioner. Be aware and ensure the health professional is suitably skilled and qualified to support you and the person you are caring for.