Family storytime
"Captain Root Beard" came out of the child's mind project of the Tell a Tale Authors Club. This child-led story creation method brings to life the worries, excitement, and intrigue of children.
By playing off learning words, the fright of losing something, and excitement about a treat, the authors present a riveting tale that every child can relate to.
So come join us with Captain Root Beard on his adventure.
Remember to build your own stories with your loved ones too.
Ready set read
We believe that when families create their own stories, they can flow through the most wonderful story of life all that much better.
Feel free to change endings, mix up characters, laugh, and take note of your emotions together.
When a character on a page seems to have emotions, they come to life. Let us teach emotional awareness one character at a time.
So here is to creativity, laughs, curiosity, and storytelling.
Let us master our storybook characters so that we can master our personal character and be who we want to be for ourselves and those who we love.
Now, let us join Captain Root Beard on his latest adventure!
Emotional awareness question
At the end, the captain has some emotional awareness questions for his readers. Emotional intelligence is the most important skill that children can learn. Many adults never learned it. But never fear, the captain is here for you and your child!
★ Start a touching discussion with your child
★ Find out about their emotions, joys and fears
★ Model reassure-relate-reason and emotional regulation