When the spread of Covid 19 began to seep into our world, dark clouds descended upon our caged hearts. Our Earthians Community Group presents Ink Gladiators Press first Summer Seasonal of 2020, CAPSIZED: The Pandemic Lockdown. The book highlights the perspectives of over 40 creative writers and artists from across the globe. Through their language of expression, we are able to witness the breaking apart of the old, the building of the new, the discovery of the unknown and the self-awakening of the soul.
IGP Co-authors:
Akshay Sharma, Anusha Raina, Anna Martino, Arshpreet Gill, Balaji. V, Bob Pallister, Carol Longfellow, Celeste Tsang, Cory Decker, Cynthia Padilla, Denise Rusley, Divya Ramachandra, Eileen Salisbury, Husna Rehman, Ismet Diab, Kristal Kay Jonasen, Lady Raven, Leon Jones, Linda Lokhee, Lorenza Palomino, Maria Wynnyckyj, Mia Hutman, Miriam Otto, Myan, Nikita Kapoor, Nistha Goel, Priti Gadia Agarwal, Ruchka Ghulati, Samatha Tumblin, Sana Mujtaba, Shruti Jayakumar, Shruti Prasad, Shruti Sharma, Sourav Kumar, Srilalitha Pillalamarri, Stefan Gillissen, Surbhi Sharma, Talitha Rachael Doss, Thomas Hartstang, Timi Jolaoso, Valentina Comporeale and Wendy Gull
https: //www.inkgladiatorspress.com/authors/
IGP Team:
Developmental Editor, Interviewer & Epigrammatist - Reena Doss
Editor, Copyeditor and Proofer - Preethi Doss
Interviewer - Shruti Sharma
Artist & Designer - Leonie Belle Hawk