About the Book
"LIFE WITHOUT THE EXERCISE OF THOUGHT IS NOT ONLY POVERTY OF SPIRIT, ONCE THE SPIRIT IN PHILOSOPHY MEANS IDEA, BUT ALSO SLAVERY..." SOCRATES SAID THAT "THE BEING THAT ONLY WORKS, EAT, DRINK, HAVE SEX AND SLEEP IS NOT A MAN, BUT A SLAVE OR ANIMAL..." NIETZSCHE ONCE WROTE THAT HE WHO DOES NOT DEDICATE AT LEAST 3/4 OF YOUR TIME TO THEMSELVES, I.E., 18 HOURS, THERE IS A BE FREE, BUT A SLAVE._______________________If, as I said Sartre, existential philosopher-humanist of the 20th century, "man is a project that exists only to the extent that the performs," for the meritocratic existentialism, in a reversal of values and principles, "the man only exists when, in a dispute any, overcomes his said opponent or enemy, and conquering your called place in the sun," systematizing the old, individualistic and conservative proverb that says: "the sun rises for all, but the shadow is to few."However, paradoxically, as capitalism survives and is nourished of crises that he manufactures through their constant processes of programd obsolescence (thing that the homo faber alienated is unaware), the proletariat has not and never will also guarantees, are always doomed to unemployment, as a kind of merchandise any that lose quality and value and that is soon replaced by another said more new and/or improved.The existential damage caused by capitalism to the class excluded or worker, in this sense: 1-It is represented by the absence of personal projects of proletarians or of young aspirants to enter the labor market, which spend their youths is not developing as human beings integrals, but if qualifying and again qualifying or if formatting and reformatting as if they were objects or things, i.e., appendices of the productive world; 2-It is represented by the subordination, while "Be good," to the values and practices of the world capitalist said;3- It is represented as a coisificação or frustration of man, since, under the condition of social exclusion in which they are born, the excluded is not born free, because without being able to exercise their freedom dictates, i.e., it is not born as a WHO-do, as a rise, but as possible merchandise and/or cheap labor to be exploited (enslaved) by means of ethics ethical in the capitalist system. These, among many others, are central issues that so epistemologically justified, we will develop and discuss throughout this work.
About the Author: Cleberson Eduardo da Costa (more than 100 books published, many of them translated into other languages) is natural in Rio de Janeiro, formed by UERJ (Rio de Janeiro State University/1995-1998), a post-graduate degree in education, Researcher, University Professor, an expert in methodology of higher education, Educator, free-thinker, licensed in foundations, Sociology, Psychology and Philosophy of Education, didactic and yae (Youth and adult education). In addition, was a student of the Master's Degree in Education (1999-2001/PROPED/UERJ), registered, after approval by tender, in disciplines [seminars for research] "philosophical status" (taught and coordinated by professor Dr. Lilian do Vale); and "EDUCATIONAL POLICIES IN BRAZIL AND IN LATIN AMERICA" (taught and coordinated by professor Dr. Pablo Amadeo Gentili). He also studied in the MBA course in Business Management by FUNCEFET/RJ/Lakes Region (2003-2005) and the Postgraduate Course in Management and Planning of education by UERJ (1999-2000). From 1998 to 2008, he served as professor of higher education (Higher Institute of Education of UCAM - Universidade Cândido Mendes) in the fields of Niterói, Nova Friburgo, Araruama, Rio de Janeiro, Teresópolis, Rio das Ostras, etc. participated (in your career and/or academic intellectual) of several studies, such as, for example, the project UERJ-DEGASE on (EE) and also in studies focusing on problematic policies, philosophical and pedagogical with renowned teachers, like Pablo Gentili (UERJ/CLACSO), Carla Imenes (UERJ), Cristiane silva Albuquerque (UERJ), among many others. Currently it is dedicated to the college teaching; research in education; the consultancies relating to education, in order to enhancement, the overshoot and human development; the achievement of academic lectures and cross-organizational and production of works in various fields of knowledge.