FOREWORD by a Nobel laureate former official adviser to U.S. government. ENDORSED by a Professor of Physiology Fellow of the Royal Society, a Professor of Harvard University School of Medicine, academics, doctors (of jurisprudence, medicine, physiology, psychiatry, homeopathy) and judges (U.S. & U.K.) - SEE BACK COVER. In South Africa, defence presentation of this legal-medical textbook obtained referral to the Constitutional Court leading to that Court's legalisation of personal cultivation and possession of cannabis for private use. THE REPORT presents irrefutable Legal Grounds for RELEGALISATION, AMNESTY & RESTITUTION. All citizens persecuted under Prohibition controls are due Amnesty and Restitution (as for other Wrongful Penalisation).
THE REPORT is comprised of Seven Parts and gives in-depth analysis of all the various aspects and uses of cannabis.
Part Two: The unprecedented (new) CANNABIS BIOMASS ENERGY EQUATION (CBEE) proves that renewable cannabis crops' production-cost-free by-product PYROLYTIC CH3OH methanol offers the immediately available total world replacement for fossils and uranium. Such macro-cultivation simultaneously increases world production of protein-rich staple seed food (no relaxant in seed). THE REPORT establishes the inadequacies of diminutive THC-free so-called "industrial hemp" by comparison with full-blooded large Sativas.
The CBEE FORMULATION proffers FREE CH3OH oil-gasoline-type fuel for all power-station, industrial, land, sea and air transportation and domestic energy supply, with ZERO net atmospheric increase of CO2. The CBEE exposes monumental venal ulterior motive behind 'prohibition' controls; a bankowner-corporate-government subterfuge; a false fuel-energy MONOPOLY. The CBEE demonstrates governments' mendacity in their claims to wish to reduce carbon emissions, and proves "carbon tax" to be a fraudulent government imposture.
"To cause crime to occur is to be accountable for the crime, morally and legally. To consent to any measure is to share responsibility for its results."
Legalised, cannabis grows anywhere: the benign herb's foliage and flowers come free or at an insignificant price, but yielding no revenues to government nor profit to corporations. However, prohibition creates the Black Market: the Economic Effects of Prohibition (scarcity + enforcement, etc.) augment "street" value by 3000% plus, making all Black Market associated crime inevitable. Politicians who pass and judiciaries who maintain the legislation of political commodities' prohibition, i.e., the War on Drugs, are culpable for engendering a significant proportion of crime throughout the West (official stats).
THE REPORT collates the medico-scientific empirical Findings of Fact and Conclusions of the government-funded clinical studies conducted by world-respected research and academic institutions into non-toxic, non-addictive benign natural herb cannabis (differentiated from pharmaceutical laboratory toxic product THC). MEDICATION: Efficacious in over 100 adverse medical conditions (viz. Official Pharmacopoeias) including applications which are life-saving, preserve eyesight, Curative and/or Preventive.
The investigations' evidence exonerates cannabis from all allegations of 'harm' and 'impairment' (including tests on simulated driving), exempting cannabis from all legislative criteria of control.
THE REPORT establishes that the apocryphal 'law' is perjurious, itself results from ulterior motive, and is gravely damaging to individual and society. This obliges administrations everywhere to pass a simple legislative Amendment returning cannabis to its legal status before the introduction of legislative controls.