This book describes how money in politics corrodes every aspect of our lives and our economy.
Each chapter deals with how the "cancer" is progressing and has a prescribed "cure" that the reader will find comforting.
Listed below are the subjects covered in each chapter:
Money in Politics and Decline of Democracy show the corruption in Congress and the effect that money has in our election processes. Instead of one man one vote we have one dollar one vote.
The Constitution deals with how politicians sometimes misinterpret the intentions of our founding fathers in order to push their own agendas.
The Supreme Court deals with how judges inject their own prejudices into our lives and how that affects mainstream Americans.
Political Parties, and the Presidency deal with our convoluted election processes, and show how gerrymandering distorts our elections.
The 2008 Financial Crisis, the Economy, and Deficits and Debts deal with the economic impact of our fiscal mismanagement.
Inequality deals with the disturbing trend of the rising gap between the wealthy and our middle classes.
Social Programs and Health Care deals with the impact that our lawmakers have on our welfare system and how we could improve those programs.
Foreign policy paints a picture of how our past and present policies failed and what would be the correct policy in the future.
The role of Government deals with how much Government interference can be too much or too little.
Technology and Solutions for the Future will leave the reader with an optimistic view of the world benefiting from new technologies, and describes a utopian view of how we could reform our political systems.