About the Book
Editorial Reviews - Cameras by Format From the Publisher Chapters: 110 Cameras, 120 Film Cameras, 135 Film Cameras, Aps Film Cameras, Hasselblad, Holga, Contarex, Rz67, Kodak 35 Rangefinder, Leica R8, Minolta Sr-T 101, Rolleiflex, Pentax Auto 110, Bronica, Leica R9, Canon Pellix, Mecaflex, Argus C3, Topcon Re-Super, Diana Camera, Corfield Periflex, Minolta Maxxum 7000, Leica Standard, Calypso, Minolta Xg-M, Minolta X-700, Chinon Genesis Iv, Pentacon Six, Alpa-Reflex Camera, Kodak Retina, Pentax Mz-S, Kodak Retinette, Minolta Xd-7, Minolta 5000i, Sport, Yashica Electro 35, Tenax Ii, Ami 66, Mamiya C330, Tessina, Minolta 110 Zoom Slr, Arax Camera, Minolta Maxxum 4, Rolleicord, Minolta 9000, Miranda T, Minolta 7000i, Mamiya C220, Minolta Tc-1, Omega, Yashica Lynx, Lubitel, Leidolf, Olympus Xa, Plaubel Makina, Minolta Xe, Agfa Clack, Canon Elph, Minolta X-570, Dirkon, Konica Ft-1, Olympus Superzoom 120tc, Canon Elph 490z, 503cw, Minolta X-300s, Canon Elph 10 Af, Konica C35 Af. Excerpt: Victor Hasselblad AB is a Swedish manufacturer of medium-format cameras and photographic equipment based in Gothenburg, Sweden. The company is best known for the medium-format cameras it has produced since World War II. Perhaps the most famous use of the Hasselblad camera was during the Apollo Program missions when man first landed on the Moon. Almost all of the still photographs taken during these missions used specially modified Hasselblad cameras. Hasselblad's traditional V-System cameras are still widely used by professional and serious amateur photographers. One reason is a reputation for long service life and quality of available lenses. Their newer H-System cameras produced in cooperation with Fuji are market leaders, competing with Sinar, Mamiya and others in the medium format digital camera market. The company was establ... More: http://booksllc.net/?id=153832 Synopsis Chapters: 110 Cameras, 120 Film Cameras, 135 Film Cameras, Aps Film Cameras, Hasselbl