John Yeager's three-volume series of essays and discipleship questions, following the lectionary, is a gift to the church. A Commissioned Pastor in the Presbytery of West Virginia, John serves congregations in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). He has a passion to foster faith formation in and through personal relationships with one another, and with the church, scripture, the world and of course with God. At the intersection of these relationships we discover who we are in Christ and our reason for being on the planet. As the late Eugene Peterson wrote:
"The end of all Christian belief and obedience, witness and teaching, marriage and family, leisure and work life, preaching and pastoral work is the living of everything we know about God: life, life, and more life. If we don't know where we are going, any road will get us there. But if we have a destination--in this case a life lived to the glory of God--there is a well-marked way, the Jesus-revealed Way."1
In Called to Love John supplies the reader with markers for the journey. He blends scripture, personal experience, and stories about others to point the way toward fulfilling our purpose and giving God glory. The three-volume set can be used in a variety of contexts. It will help the worship leader prepare for Sunday worship. It will serve Sunday school teachers in need of a study to take people deeper into their faith and their relationships with one another. It will aid any small group desiring to know one another and the faith in more profound ways. It will guide church leadership groups who seek to carry out the mission they feel God is calling upon them to advance.
Ray G. Jones III
Director, Theology, Formation and Evangelism
Presbyterian Mission Agency.
1 Peterson, Eugene H., Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places William B. Eerdman's Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2005.