About the Book
Excerpt from A Call to the Jews This Jefus 'was indeed the great prediéled ion of David, who owas 'to fit on his throne, ' who was ordained by God to be a prince and favior, ' the true 'man after God's own heart, 'who 'fulfilled alibis will, ' the glorious branch from the item of Jefi'e, ' that righteous branch' which God pro miied to raife up unto David, ' and there fore by Zechariah emphatically {tiled 'tba Braneb.' But what can be urged in ex tenuation of the grievous fin of your ancef tors, in caufing this abfolutely good man to be crucified. I wot, ' fays his apeil'le Peter, in Luke's narrative of the Acts of the Apoitles, 'that through ignorance ye did it but, alas! This ignorance was not invincible their unbelief, ' through which they fell ibort of the exceeding riches of the grace, ' or favor, 'of God, ' ex hibited in his merciful and univerfal Gof pel difpenfation, was owing to a culpable inattention to the exprefs prediction of their own prophets, concerning the fufferings of the Meffiah. Ifaiah, in particular, is fo clear in this grand momentous point, and fo circumi'rantial in refpeél: to the manner of Chriit's fufi'erings'and death, that he has effected the converfion of a Jew, by name Abrahamfibraham jacobs, now, or late, dwelling at Reading, in Berkihire. I have converfed With this man, who, in the courfe of our Converfation owned to me, that he could not refifl the convincing evidence contained in the prophecies of a fuffering Mefiiah, to be 'numbered, ' though perfectly innocent, with the tranfgreffors, ' and die an ignomi nious death, antecedently to his entrance On a kingdom, to be given him by God, in reward of his obedient fufl'erings and death; a kingdom, the difiinguifhing charaé'rerif tics whereof I {hall enlarge upon, in the fequel of this addrefs. But that has hap pened to. Jacobs, which too frequently happens to other men, viz. 'incidit in Scyl lam, qui Vult vitate Charybdim, ' in fleet-i ing clear from one rock, he has {truck upon another; for at the verytime, as I frankly in effeé't told him, befaw bi: Lord, Chrift, be figbr qir God, Jehovah, having em braced Chrifiianity on the Athanafian plan, by far the moh: abfurd of the three fanci ful hypothefes, I before explained to you. Now it is very probable, this honell Ifrael ite was fo {truck with the perfpicuity of the prophecy, refpeéting the qerings and death of the innocent Mefliah, that he never gave' About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.