Tyrone and Rebecca Walker feel lucky to live in the Jellli Role
Courts, a new condominium development with a great view of
the Arizona canyon and close to the local school for their son
and daughter.
Even though they've been married seven years, Tyrone is fi lled
with lust and becomes sexually attracted to Lavivica Lanksio,
who also lives in the same housing complex. It's a complicated
relationship: Lavivica is an illegal immigrant who lives with
Tyrone's boss, Martin. e couple has twin boys. Tyrone's and
Livivica's aff air leads to immense challenges and consequences
for both families.
Tyrone Walker catches a glimpse of the true value of marriage
and religion, but will it be enough for him to grow into a real
man, get on the right track for the sake of his family, and fi nd
redemption? A novel, Calamities and Changes of Jelli Role Courts
narrates a morality tale showing how bad decisions lead to
nothing but heartache and death-both literal and spiritual.
"...it will make a good movie if it is to be
scripted and acted out."
PA Book Reviews