About the Book
The Asset And Privacy Protection Secrets
Of The Super-Rich!"
Second Passports for Privacy and Profit (Volume 3, pages 1-250)
- Obtaining second citizenship and passport is an effective way of breaking
free from the shackles of your government. It's like declaring independence.
By obtaining a second passport you become a human multi-national, legally entitled
to all those benefits that multi-national corporations play on every day.
Bye Bye Big Brother includes over 250 printed pages on this subject. Volume 3 shows
you how to dispense with lawyers and accountants for the most part.
BUYING A SECOND PASSPORT - The USA, Canada, New Zealand, Austria, and several
other industrialized countries allow wealthy individuals to make passive (or active)
investments and get on the fast track for residence and citizenship.
The USA program hasn't done so well because no one wants to be saddled with the most
expensive passport in the world. But there are several ways to get a USA passport and
then leave the country - all without being saddled with a lifetime of high taxes on your
worldwide income. Discover how you can be a US citizen, but not one for tax purposes.
"The Book Millionaires Are Reading"
This Is NOT For Everybody. Check If You Qualify!
This information is too powerful for the masses. To ensure these concepts will reach the right hands,
you must qualify by meeting these three criteria:
You Have Something Valuable To Protect - Whether it's your freedom, your money, or your lifestyle...
Bye Bye Big Brother is not for the man who is relying on the government to solve all his problems.
BBBB is a getaway system for problems caused by the government. A way to opt-out quickly, simply, and legally.
You Must Keep What You Learn For-Your-Eyes-Only Confidential-
This is a blueprint to personal and financial freedom. It is not for everyone. Some people do best as part
of the mass, doing what they are told and being controlled by others.
Do You Know Someone Who Could Use This Book?
Surprise your loved ones with a copy of "BYE BYE BIG BROTHER" and help them make the first step on the long journey to freedom!
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