About the Book
The Asset And Privacy Protection Secrets
Of The Super-Rich!"
Foreign Currency Arbitrage Programs (Invest-Loan) (Volume 2, Chapter 52)
Do you know how anyone, regardless of credit history, can borrow money offshore at
only 2% interest with no scheduled repayment date, then simultaneously reinvest it for
30% a year return elsewhere? Most probably not, because the rock-solid European banks
routinely making such loans are not allowed to advertise these deals in your country.
Big Brother calls this "investor protection.
We call it "protecting the cozy domestic banking cartel.
"How to legally (but without lawyers or accountants) completely avoid inheritance or
estate taxes (Vol. 2, Chapter 53) What is this information alone worth to you? A lot, I am sure.Don't let Big Brother get his hands on the fruits of your labors after your death. Make sure your
heirs get 100% of what is rightfully theirs. By following the techniques outlined in Bye Bye Big Brother
(especially Chapter 53) you will be able to ensure the prosperity of future generations or make sure
the money goes to causes that YOU believe in.
Secret Safe Deposit Boxes in Europe (Volume 2, Chapter 54) Everyone has documents and possessions
that are nobody else's business. We tell you the only place in Europe (probably the only place in the world)
where you can legally rent a secure safe totally anonymously. It's in Austria. Also, you will learn the lowdown
on safe technology, why it's important to have a blank key, and which banks have blank keys, etc.
How to Set Up a Completely New Enterprise on the Internet. No Capital Required! (Volume 2, Chapter 74)
A unique business opportunity for international thinkers is explored in detail. You will learn how to roam
the globe electronically and rake in profits anonymously, offshore, and tax-free, even while you sleep!
The taxman will never bother you because this can be operated completely offshore and controlled via the Internet.
The rest of this section on Portable Trades Opportunities also explores different business
ideas suited to an international, offshore lifestyle.
"The Book Millionaires Are Reading"
This Is NOT For Everybody. Check If You Qualify!
This information is too powerful for the masses. To ensure these concepts will reach the right hands,
you must qualify by meeting these three criteria:
You Have Something Valuable To Protect - Whether it's your freedom, your money, or your lifestyle...
Bye Bye Big Brother is not for the man who is relying on the government to solve all his problems.
BBBB is a getaway system for problems caused by the government. A way to opt-out quickly, simply, and legally.
You Must Keep What You Learn For-Your-Eyes-Only Confidential-
This is a blueprint to personal and financial freedom. It is not for everyone. Some people do best as part
of the mass, doing what they are told and being controlled by others.
Do You Know Someone Who Could Use This Book?
Surprise your loved ones with a copy of "BYE BYE BIG BROTHER" and help them make the first step on the long journey to freedom!
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