By the Grace of God will help you to comprehend how your choices have gotten you to where you are today. Life is full of never-ending choices; some big and some small. This book will help you see the error of your way thus far. The good news is it's NOT too late. You can begin to make right choices so you can turn things around little by little... one small step at a time.
There are two kinds of lives we can live in the here and now. It is up to each person to choose for themselves how they will live. As you read this book, I will explain the difference between the two kingdoms we must live in (there are only two choices) God or Satan. We must choose who we will serve, for our Creator has given mankind free will.
At one point, I had enough and didn't care to go on. In that darkness, I knew there had to be more, and I began seeking and I found a better way, and one worth living. By the Lord's grace and mercy, I can help you take back what the devil has stolen from you, for God is no respecter of a person, what He has done for me, He will do for you, are you ready?
By God's amazing grace you can find out for yourself how to come out of that sin, death, and diseased world you have been placed in. For God has made an escape for each person if they will make the right choice. God will adopt you as His child and transfer you out of the kingdom of darkness and into His kingdom of light, where He sits on the throne, and Jesus reigns as King.
Out of God's fine design, He has made the way of escape, and come back into His loving arms of blessing and wholeness, this was made possible by his Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ.
In case you are unaware as I was: Jesus willingly laid down His life to save everyone else, so we would be reconciled back to the Father for eternity and escape an eternity of being separated from our Creator forever.
Again, it is a choice. But this is by far the "most important" decision you will ever make. Choose to drink for the cup of the Lord, for that is the correct path. I can testify that God is faithful and a good, good Father.