About the Book
An unapologetic look into the lives of 2 teenagers growing up in rural Arizona at the turn of the millennium.
In the early 2000s, before transgender was even a concept people considered, and the term gay was most often used as a derogatory term to describe your straight friends. Before sharing nudes was easy and common place, when internet porn was less than 360p, and the majority of women giving sexual advice in online forums were virgin men . . . A young boy beat and shamed, and even convinced sometimes that he doesn't deserve any better, must fight against stereotypes and society's cruel convictions in his battle for truth and love.
A young girl with growing pains and an unfulfilled longing in her heart, sick of watching other girls get what she wishes she could have, struggles for the courage to overcome her insecurities and become the person she wants to be.
Experience the journey of 2 strange yet average kids as they embark upon the timeless quest for learning, love, and sex, in this EPIC coming of age CLASSIC . . .
A tale of video games, baseball, hip-hop, metal, phallic fruit and groping adolescent bodies.
If you're a kid, wish you were still a kid, or just some weirdo who likes kids a little too much . . . forget your adolescence and move the F@#% on, with Butcher in the Bread.
now in suppository form. people over 55 or with pre-existing heart conditions should consult their doctor before modifying their current diet. not suitable for people with allergies to wheat, dairy, soy, nuts or flesh. if you experience persistent cough, rectal bleeding, or uncontrollable stiffening of the penis without direct physical stimulation please describe your sensations in the comments down below
The greatest coming of age story in the history of man. Its like I lost my virginity all over again.
- Bradonna
If you like neatly trimmed, well packaged meat, you'll LOVE Butcher in the Bread.
- Deli Kreeps
More brutal and unforgiving than Zelda II.
- Figaro Shiyamoto
Not your grandma's young adult novel, unless your grandma is a crazy awesome sl*t!
- Whetty Bite
You suck!!! Yoouuu Suuuck!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! HA!!!
- Pinched Faces
The best thing since sliced bread.
- Average Dad, CEO of Mew Balanced Shoes