Everyone I speak to is struggling with marketing and generating leads for their business. And instead of REAL marketing, they are spraying marketing shi*t all over prospects without even realising it.
If you want to know what the 7 biggest Business Marketing Secrets are and why expensive marketing consultants DON'T want to share them with you, then read on.
Business Marketing Secrets is my take on marketing, which is disruptive. Guaranteed, this book will change, not just one or two of your perceptions around marketing but ALL of your perceptions around marketing, and your approach to marketing in general.
Marketing in this day and age has never been harder.
Pre-internet age 25 years ago there were 468,000 registered businesses in the UK. Today there are 3.9m registered small businesses. Which means the Internet has made it easier to start a business and create an online presence, but every business sector is saturated by a factor of 10. There is ten times the number of people doing what you do. Which is why it is now so hard to be found online amongst all of that noise.
Do you consider these any of the tools below to be "marketing"
- Your website?
- YouTube videos?
- Instagram?
- Email Marketing?
- Blogging?
- Networking?
- Twitter?
- Flyer/Leaflet Drops?
- Facebook Ads?
If you do, then you're wrong. These are simple tools we use to build brand awareness. Marketing is completely different.
Marketing is all about nurturing prospects, building engagement, gaining their trust, providing value up front with no expectation of a sale at the end of it.
Business Marketing Secrets covers:
- What marketing really is
- How to carry out proper market research on your target market
- Why consistency is key in running a successful marketing campaigns
- How EVERY small business measures the wrong Key Performance Indicator in sales and marketing
- How being brave in your marketing message will help you stand out
- How to grab a prospect's attention and write engaging content which gets people to act
- Why it's important to build systems and automation, which leads to a 10x increase in conversion rates when done properly
- Not only why you should be re-investing a significant proportion of your revenue on marketing activities but HOW MUCH you should be spending on those marketing activities, and also which marketing activities you should spend it on.