Are You One of The 37 Million People in The United States That Suffers From Kidney Disease (CKD)?
Your customers will never stop to use this awesome cookbook!
It can be overwhelming to live and eat healthy after you have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Learning to make the required lifestyle changes, finding ways to treat CKD, and keeping the kidneys stable is vital for your wellbeing.
As such, this book addresses such challenges by providing solutions to the problems that approximately millions of people suffering from CKD experience.
It is important to understand what constitutes kidney failure and how nutrition plays a role in maintaining your health and minimizing dialysis.
Here is an example of what you will find inside this guide:
- Breakfast Recipes to Start Your Morning Every Day in the Right Way
- Lunch Recipes - with Easy-to-Follow Instructions so You Will Be Always Able to Decide Which One Suits Better for You at that Moment
- Dinner Recipes - For a Correct Break During Busy Days
- Desserts Recipes - Why You Need to Give Up the Pleasures of Life?
- Healthy and Colourful Smoothies and Drinks
.. & Much, Much More!
So, what are you waiting for?
Buy it now and let your customers get addicted to this amazing book!