Venture into the lush forest and find the famous Oregon black truffle. The internet of the mid-1990s sure was different. Ceramics that look like surreal food. Office gossip leads to revelation. Guy in his late 40s discovers he has a grown daughter.
Buckman Journal 007 features the work of over 25 writers and artists, all PDXers, all rad. Packed with everything from short stories to recipes to essays to photography to painting to sculpture to beyond like a literary art superhero, y'all. Tomás Oliveras provides the cover art. Inside, other artists include Tomo77, Tara Murino- Brault, HELLSEA, Dharma Castillo, and a bunch more. In the words department, Radha Kai Zan, Caitlin Delohery, Jason Arias, and many other fine authors deliver their latest stories. And a feature by Kourtney Paranteau, aka cute meat, detailing the elusive Oregon truffle, from hunting to creating five truffle recipes that capture the spirit of old Portland.
Front Cover by Tomás Oliveras
Jerry Sampson, Kyle Wallace, Jason Arias, Arthur Hitchcock, Rich Perin, Daniel Crayonton, Caitlin Delohery, Kourtney Paranteau, Jennifer Perrine, Dharma Castillo, Hope Del Carlo, Myra Lilith Day, Willow Fields, Tara Murino-Brault, Benjamin Kessler, Charlie Salas-Humara, Nathan Wade Carter, Erik Grove, Jessie Weitzel Le Grand, Radha Kai Zan, Tomo77, Andrea Coghlan, HELLSEA, Matt Kolbert, Emily Elizabeth Wise