About the Book
Bringing Spirituality into Business is an absolute game changer for businesses and the best 21st century empowerment tool for individuals. It's both the answer and the methodology to get organizations back on track and to aid individuals to mental and emotional stability, enhance coping skills, and gain agility in handling change while uncovering and activating hidden talent and greatness.
Donalee delivers a dose of truth affirming, "True health is physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual."
This book is for organizations struggling to attract the talent they need and looking to address their dissatisfied, disengaged, and distracted employees. It's for individuals who seek joy, peace, purpose and personal growth in their career and life. This book is the transformation tool that addresses both business and its people to bring positive change and increase satisfaction.
Bringing Spirituality into Business will bring focus back to what makes a business thrive;
its people and the magic, talents, and significance they bring to making the organization all it is.
For businesses this book is your tool to end the disengagement, division, and dissatisfaction in the workplace. It's the catalyst to revolutionize organizations ready to:
- Improve leadership skills
- Invest in and empower their people
- Cultivate a people-centric culture
- Bring body, mind and spirit into the workplace
- Make workplace wellness top priority
- Provide development opportunities that bring increase and higher potential
Donalee Gastreich reminds you that you are PROGRAMMABLE by DESIGN.
She emphasizes your need to engage in and master One skill, One practice, and One process which she calls the ABCs to master you and your results to live empowered by your unique human design. Advancing you is inevitable in reading this book.
Bringing Spirituality into Business is the transformation tool to serve the needs of humanity thru their evolution and aid business in cultivating a culture rich in support, service and sustainability now and in the future.
Donalee implores businesses to put this book in the hands of every employee and convene weekly to educate, engage, and empower one another exploring together and individually the invitation at the end of each chapter. Bringing Spirituality into Business will ignite personal growth, creativity, innovation, and the true power of human potential to take organizations soaring to new heights.
Know Yourself, Grow Yourself, Live Life Empowered Donalee Gastreich