Being happy isn't about fixing everything that's not working in your life.
It's about realizing what is working, and doing more of it.
Those are the bright spots in life. Those ah-ha moments when everything seems to come into focus. The times that lift us up when we're feeling down, and show us a path from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
America's history is filled with bright spots, too.
Millions have come to our shores. Many didn't speak English, or know the value of limited government. Most had not studied political philosophy, or the writings of our Founders. And yet, they saw what was working in America, and simply wanted to do more of it, so their lives might be filled with bright spots, too.
Today, many people find it hard to see the bright spots in our country. Perhaps that's because our media and elected leaders spend too much time asking the question, "What's broken, and how do we fix it?" instead of, "What's working, and how can we do more of it?"
This book is a simple guide to what works in America, and how the pursuit of your Happiness is what makes America great -- one bright spot, at a time.
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