The captivating world of bridges, a realm where steel and concrete span sinuously over rivers and roads. Our journey spans a quarter-century, tracing the evolution of Buro Happold's groundbreaking bridge designs. These are not your run-of-the-mill crossings; they are symphonies of form and function.
Our team has never been your typical engineers. They are bridge artisans, measuring aspirations alongside spans. They have danced with differential equations, solved complex matrices and applied sound engineering principles, debated aesthetics with architects and occasionally pondered life over lukewarm coffee in the office.
Life at Buro Happold was not all smooth arches. We weathered seismic tremors and wrestled with winds of change. But challenges hone our resolve. It taught us that equations alone cannot span chasms; it takes a dash of stubbornness and a pinch of inspiration.
Within these pages, you will meet sixteen bridges. Each has a tale, saga of late-night brainstorming, coffee-stained blueprints, many were successfully constructed a few that never got built.
This book is not just for engineers. It is for the child who skips across bridges, imagining tightropes. It is for the commuter who ponders existence during rush hour. And yes, it is even for the squirrel that once pirouetted atop our truss bridge.
So, let us raise our metaphorical hard hats and salute these magnificent spans. Whether you are a bridge enthusiast, a casual reader, or a curious soul, welcome aboard. The symphony of bridges awaits, complete with a chorus of rivets and the occasional seagull solo.
Life is short. Build bridges. And enjoy the experience.