About the Book
The Bridge of the Milliseconds delves into the profound connection between intimacy, universal energy, and human consciousness. At its core, the book explores how the seemingly simple act of face-to-face mating transcends the physical realm and becomes a spiritual, emotional, and energetic exchange capable of shaping reality. Drawing from various spiritual traditions, esoteric teachings, and modern metaphysical concepts, the book reveals how conscious intimacy can influence our lives' internal and external aspects.
At the book's heart lies the idea that specific individuals possess a deeper understanding of harnessing universal power through face-to-face mating. These individuals come from all walks of life; some are business leaders, spiritual teachers, or influential figures in politics and government. Whether or not they are consciously aware, they utilize this technique to align their intentions with the fabric of universal energy, profoundly influencing their personal and professional lives.
One of the most critical concepts introduced in the book is "the bridge of milliseconds." This is the fleeting moment during face-to-face mating when time seems to stand still, and both partners' conscious and subconscious minds merge. During this brief instant, the energetic exchange peaks, and both individuals' thoughts, desires, and intentions are projected into the universe with heightened intensity. This is when reality can be influenced most powerfully, and manifestations can occur.
The book explains that the energy flowing through this "bridge" can create positive and harmonious outcomes if both partners are aligned in love, trust, and mutual respect. When both individuals are emotionally and energetically balanced, they amplify the power that shapes their future. Conversely, suppose one or both partners harbor unresolved issues or negative emotions. Those energies can also be amplified and projected across the bridge, potentially leading to disharmony or challenges in their future experiences.
A central theme of The Bridge of the Milliseconds is the importance of conscious intent in face-to-face mating. The book stresses that this practice is a physical act and a tool for consciously co-creating reality. To harness its full potential, individuals must approach intimacy with mindfulness, emotional balance, and a clear sense of purpose. By doing so, they can direct the flow of energy to support personal growth, success, and manifesting their desires..
However, face-to-face mating can be used wisely or recklessly like any powerful tool. The book warns of unintended consequences when this practice is engaged without mindfulness or emotional balance. Those who misuse or engage in it with chaotic or misaligned energies may face challenges or adverse outcomes. For example, if the businessman in the earlier scenario were to engage in intimacy with unresolved stress, anxiety, or frustration, these negative energies would be projected into the universe, potentially leading to poor decision-making or setbacks in his career.
The book stresses the importance of emotional balance and mindfulness in intimate relationships. The energies exchanged during face-to-face mating can shape positive and negative outcomes depending on the emotional state of the individuals involved. When the act is approached with love, trust, and conscious awareness, it can lead to success, harmony, and personal growth. On the other hand, when negative emotions are present, the energy exchange can create chaos or disruption.
The Bridge of the Milliseconds is ultimately a guide to unlocking the profound potential of universal energy through conscious intimacy. It reveals how a practice as ancient and fundamental as face-to-face mating can be used to co-create one's reality, shaping everything from personal relationships to professional success.