Workbook includes voucher for video course on this topic at Our families will likely be the biggest influences in our lives. They are the people who raise us, lead us, model for us, and ultimately teach us to be the people we become. Most of the lessons (or rules) we learn from them will be positive: how to speak, eat, interact, work, walk, drive, etc. Other lessons can be negative, inhibiting, or even destructive for us. The majority of these lessons aren't intentional. Our parents and families will simply be raising us, and we will absorb these "life lessons" into our malleable subconsciouses. In fact, even after becoming adults many of these life lessons will remain subconscious. They won't be considered, thought about, or reflected upon; instead, they will simply be unconscious marching orders that steadily and predictably direct our lives.
Fortunately, addressing these lessons isn't complicated. It doesn't take years of therapy, psychoanalysis, or deep cognitive processing. It simply requires that we take inventory of our experiences, interpret how they may be affecting us, and make intentional decisions to reformat how we are experiencing the world.
If you struggle in any of the following areas, this workbook will help you understand why (and change those patterns):
- Finances (debt, don't make enough, etc.)
- Romance (struggle in relationship or can't find a healthy one)
- Career (don't feel fulfilled or aligned with your calling)
- Dreams and Life Vision
- Anxiety and/or Stress
- Body Health and/or Energy
Major topics covered in this workbook--and accompanying videos--include:
- Harmful Family "Rules"
- Marriage and Romance
- Male Roles
- Female Roles
- Communication Styles
- Money and Success
- Fun, Recreation, and Self-Care Personal
- And Empowerment and Freedom
If you are ready to explore how your family dynamics have affected, and often dictated your life, this workbook will give you insight and set you free!